Are you trying to figure out which About Me Page Generator to use?
Learning how to write the perfect about page using an about me page generator totally starts with knowing how to layout or design the right professional about page. Because at the end of the day in order to write your about page, generator used or not, you have to start with a strong foundation.
In this video I talk about what the deal is with an about me page generator, and how they are very useful tools when used properly. From a professional website designer’s perspective, the About Me Page needs to be a guide for the user – a page that if they scan it quickly they can get a general quick summary about your company and then if they so choose, then they have clear options to dig deeper.
If you want to know how to write an about me page for a website, a blog, or an e commerce site, keep tuned into this series on how to create an about me page. We’ve got 3 more videos coming in this series over on the YouTube channel, so be sure to favorite the playlist or just subscribe and “ring the bell.” If you’re interested in the free about me page template I alluded to in the video, please see below or click here.
See the previous video in this 4 part series – About Us Text Examples.
As always, plop any questions in the video’s comments over on YouTube! I’m very active on YouTube and will get back to questions quickly (and I can’t take comments on this blog (evil spam!!) so that really is the best way to reach me quickly!). And please help please the YouTube gods with a like and subscribe. It really does make a difference in the eyes of YouTube!
And as always thank you so much and take care!
– Wendy
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Coming up with social media content every day sucks.
It takes too much of your time,
This mini-ebook will make it so you only have to schedule your social media posts 4x/year. Yep. Once a quarter.
- Inspire your audience with the kind of content that gets a lot of likes
- Educate your audience so they see you as a resource
- Personalize your posts so your personality so you build that community
- And drive traffic to a product or service to help boost sales